Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Smoking Gun

Perhaps the key link in the emerging Afghan horror is current Ambassador the the PRC, David Mulroney. In 2007, Mulroney was an ADM for Foreign Affairs on the Afghanistan file. Richard Colvin is insisting that his supervisor at the time made every effort to both silence him and make sure that no paper trail existed, according to CBC news.

A 2007 bio for Mr. Mulroney notes
his direct responsibility to the Prime Minister to co-ordinate all Canadian government activities in Afghanistan including the efforts of DND, DFait, CIDA, SolGen etc. The new overarching responsibility permits the high level focusing & merging of Canadian efforts to a common goal.
In other words, if our PM did not know about this it was either willful ignorance or incompetence. Choose your poison, Mr. Prime Minister.

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