This is disgusting. Former journalist and Conservative Senator Pamela Wallen is on CBC's The Current this morning shilling for the Harper government on Afghanistan. A balanced report, it followed Wallen's breathtaking analysis with comment by two Conservative insiders. This is sad but not surprising, but what is is her willingness, given her reputation, to bend the truth to the needs of the government.
First she dismissed Richard Colvin's testimony, saying "I don't know what his motives were". His motives, Pam, were apparently to tell the truth, at considerable cost to himself.
Second, and much more egregious, she is suggesting that we are accusing front line CAF members of participating in torture. This is appalling. No one is suggesting that Canadian soldiers were complicit in this, or acted in anything but good faith. Senior officials are accused of ignoring overwhelming evidence that prisoners were handed over to abuse and torture. This is abetting. And abetting is a war crime. It is a crime in international law and a crime in Canadian law. No one is pronouncing anyone guilty. But a serious allegation has been made and it must be investigated.
Ms. Wallen has a sterling reputation. It is incredibly sad that it has been squandered in such a sad way.
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