As I noted earlier (here and here), it appeared that the city was playing a game of chicken with both the feds and the province, and it now appears that this strategy may have backfired. As the Star article notes
Federal Transportation Minister John Baird's expletive-stained rejection this week of Toronto's single application for a share of $4 billion in stimulus funding has political observers wondering if the TTC's deal with Bombardier is effectively dead even in light of Baird's apologies yesterday.It seems odd, as the article also notes, that the city would announce this purchase prior to securing funding, particularly if, as Minister Baird argues, there are problems with the request by the city. With a deadline of June 27 looming, and with worked slated to begin on the new lines, which will require these vehicles, it is unclear what the fate of the TTC's plans will beMiller's strategy of "essentially trying to hold the funders over a barrel" doesn't appear to be working, said Jim Mars, who teaches transportation and urban planning at Ryerson University.
"The mayor seems distracted by trivial things and on one of the biggest issues he faces he basically goes to (Casino) Rama and throws down a bet and it doesn't look like he's going to win," he said.
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